Category: State and Politics

Action for a Peoples’ Constitution

A new constitution is a historic opportunity for democratisation and sharing of power and sovereignty amongst all peoples of Sri Lanka for a just peace with political and economic equality. We are facing widening economic inequality and precariousness, sharpening regional imbalances, weakening of public health, education and social welfare, and loss of natural resources.This will … Continue reading Action for a Peoples’ Constitution

Submission on LGBTIQ Persons and Transitional Justice Mechanisms

TO THE ZONAL TASK FORCE AND THE CONSULTATION TASK FORCE FOR RECONCILIATION MECHANISMS Source: Groundviews Photo Courtesy: 30 Years Ago Introduction We present this submission as individuals self-identifying as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer (LGBTIQ), as family members and friends of LGBTIQ people, and as individuals/communities coming forward in support of Sri Lankans … Continue reading Submission on LGBTIQ Persons and Transitional Justice Mechanisms

A consultation on Gender and Electoral Reforms in the Constitution

To further engage women in identifying key provisions for electoral reform and women’s political participation in the constitution the Women and Media Collective organised a workshop for women’s rights activists and groups from across the island on the 3rd and 4th of March 2016. This was following a series of meetings undertaken by the WMC … Continue reading A consultation on Gender and Electoral Reforms in the Constitution