Author: wnm@media

A more nuanced understanding of masculinities & femininities, gender & sexuality among women’s groups, human rights groups and civil society

This research is currently ongoing. While it is still too early to determine the outcome or impact of this research, it must be noted that there is online casino already an element of awareness raising no issues relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SO/GI) in the process of conducting the interviews.

National Consultation on CEDAW Concluding Observations

On 16th September, a National Consultation on the CEDAW COs was held at Renuka Hotel, Colombo. It was attended by almost 70 participants from NGOs and CBOs from 12 districts (Colombo, Puttalam, Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, Monaragala, Polonnaruwa, Kurunegala, Anuradhapura, Galle, Gampaha, Trincomalee, & Hambantota). The purpose of this consultation was to share the CEDAW COs … Continue reading National Consultation on CEDAW Concluding Observations

Meeting with National Committee on Women (NCW) – Consultation with the CEDAW Concluding Observations

Since May 2011, the WMC initiated a discussion with NCW on the importance of conducting a meeting to discuss strategies to implement the CEDAW Concluding Observations at the national level. The NCW agreed to hold a meeting with various government officials and was willing to invite selected NGOs as well in order to make it … Continue reading Meeting with National Committee on Women (NCW) – Consultation with the CEDAW Concluding Observations

Meeting with National Committee on Women (NCW) – Consultation with the CEDAW Concluding Observations

Since May 2011, the WMC initiated a discussion with NCW on the importance of conducting a meeting to discuss strategies to implement the CEDAW Concluding Observations at the national level. The NCW agreed to hold a meeting with various government officials and was willing to invite selected NGOs as well in order to make it … Continue reading Meeting with National Committee on Women (NCW) – Consultation with the CEDAW Concluding Observations