Category: Advocacy

Sharing experiences – 2011 Local Government Elections

Changing Minds | EQUAL REPRESENTATION OF WOMEN IN POLITICS Sharing experiences – 2011 Local Government Elections WMC, in partnership with five other women’s organizations, carried out a project to increase nominations for women candidates at the 2011 local government elections. A discussion was held on the 22nd of June 2012, in order to share the … Continue reading Sharing experiences – 2011 Local Government Elections

Advocacy for translating migrant worker policy into law and its enforcement

WMC representative is a member of the National Advisory Committee on Labour Migration Policy. We have proposed district level committees involving local government bodies, divisional secretariats and community organizations to initiate better linkages for implementation of aspects of the policy. Discussions are being held between the Committee, the Foreign Employment Bureau and the Ministry, the … Continue reading Advocacy for translating migrant worker policy into law and its enforcement

National Consultation on CEDAW Concluding Observations

On 16th September, a National Consultation on the CEDAW COs was held at Renuka Hotel, Colombo. It was attended by almost 70 participants from NGOs and CBOs from 12 districts (Colombo, Puttalam, Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, Monaragala, Polonnaruwa, Kurunegala, Anuradhapura, Galle, Gampaha, Trincomalee, & Hambantota). The purpose of this consultation was to share the CEDAW COs … Continue reading National Consultation on CEDAW Concluding Observations

Meeting with National Committee on Women (NCW) – Consultation with the CEDAW Concluding Observations

Since May 2011, the WMC initiated a discussion with NCW on the importance of conducting a meeting to discuss strategies to implement the CEDAW Concluding Observations at the national level. The NCW agreed to hold a meeting with various government officials and was willing to invite selected NGOs as well in order to make it … Continue reading Meeting with National Committee on Women (NCW) – Consultation with the CEDAW Concluding Observations

Meeting with National Committee on Women (NCW) – Consultation with the CEDAW Concluding Observations

Since May 2011, the WMC initiated a discussion with NCW on the importance of conducting a meeting to discuss strategies to implement the CEDAW Concluding Observations at the national level. The NCW agreed to hold a meeting with various government officials and was willing to invite selected NGOs as well in order to make it … Continue reading Meeting with National Committee on Women (NCW) – Consultation with the CEDAW Concluding Observations

Where are the women in Local Government?

Despite an extremely favourable Human Development Index (HDI) for women, women’s representation in elected political bodies in Sri Lanka is abysmally low. It is 5.8% in parliament, 4.1% in provincial councils and only 1.8% in local government. Nominations for women by the major political parties have remained almost stagnant in the last 50 years and … Continue reading Where are the women in Local Government?

Women’s Photography Exhibition 2011

34 women photographers participated in the Women’s Photography Exhibition 2011. The exhibition was organised by the Women and Media Collective. The event was organised to celebrate the International Women’s Day. It was held at the Harold Peiris Gallery in Colombo and was held from 25 – 27 March 2011. The photography exhibition displayed the work of women … Continue reading Women’s Photography Exhibition 2011

WMC Film Festival 2011

කාන්තාව හා මාධ්‍ය සාමූහිකය සහ 7 වන වාර්ෂික චිත‍්‍රපට උළෙල 2011 මාර්තු 21 සිට 23 දක්වා කොළඹ 08 පුංචි තියටර්හි පවත්වන ලදී. තිර ගත කරන ලද්දේ ‘අයන් ජෝව්ඞ් ඒන්ජල්ස්’, ‘පීප්ලි ලයිව්’ සහ ‘ද මිල්ක් ඔෆ් සොරෝ’ යන චිත‍්‍රපටය. නොමිලයේ පවත්වන ලද මෙම චිත‍්‍රපටි ප‍්‍රදර්ශනයට විශාල පිරිසක් සහභාගි වූහ.