Category: Gender and Work

ACTFORM Gampaha District Committee Meetings

At the Gampaha District Committee meetings hosted by Action Network for Migrant Workers (ACTFORM), Women and Media Collective (WMC) and the Diriyata Saviya Womens organisation 13 government representatives, NGO workers and Women’s rights activists were brought together to discuss the National Action Plan for migrant workers. The meeting concluded with a decision to conduct research … Continue reading ACTFORM Gampaha District Committee Meetings

ACTFORM Gampaha District Committee Meetings

සංක‍්‍රමණික කම්කරුවන් සඳහාවූ කි‍්‍රයාකාරිත්ව ජාලය (ACTFORM) විසින් සත්කාරත්වය සපයන ලද ගම්පහ දිස්ති‍්‍රක් කමිටු රැුස්වීම්වල දී කාන්තාව හා මාධ්‍යය සාමුහිකය (WMC) හා දිරියට සවිය කාන්තා සංවිධානය ද ආණ්ඩු නියෝජිතයන් 13 දෙනෙක් ද රාජ්‍ය නොවන සංවිධාන කි‍්‍රයාකාරීන් හා ස්තී‍්‍ර අයිතිවාසිකම් කි‍්‍රයාකාරිනියන් ද සංක‍්‍රමණික කම්කරුවන් සඳහා වූ ජාතික කි‍්‍රයා සැලස්ම සාකච්ඡුා කිරීම සඳහා එක් රැුස් කරනු ලැබිණ. ප‍්‍රශ්න … Continue reading ACTFORM Gampaha District Committee Meetings

Celebrating International Migrants Day 2013

As a tribute to all migrant workers of Sri Lanka Action Network for Migrant Workers (ACTFORM) together with Women and Media Collective (WMC) organised the 14th Annual International Migrants Day on the 21 of December at the Mahaveli Centre. This year we not only celebrated our women workers but also their families, especially children who … Continue reading Celebrating International Migrants Day 2013

Awadiyen Imu: Radio Programme on Working Women

Women and Media Collective is conducting a series of radio programmes on the rights and issues pertaining to working women in Sri Lanka. Your feedback would be most welcome. Details of the radio programme are as follows. Every Tuesday (from the 1st of October 2013 onwards)  Click here to listen to Awadiyen Imu, Women and … Continue reading Awadiyen Imu: Radio Programme on Working Women

Awadiyen Imu: Radio Programme on Working Women

Women and Media Collective is conducting a series of radio programmes on the rights and issues pertaining to working women in Sri Lanka. Your feedback would be most welcome. Details of the radio programme are as follows. Every Tuesday (from the 1st of October 2013 onwards)  Click here to listen to Awadiyen Imu, Women and … Continue reading Awadiyen Imu: Radio Programme on Working Women

Media Statement: Government should invest in providing long-term childcare to families of women employed overseas

The Women and Media Collective is very concerned that the recently issued circular of the Ministry of Foreign Employment Promotion and Welfare requires prospective women migrants to provide information on their family background and evidence of adequate childcare arrangements as a condition for leaving for employment overseas. WMC recognizes this as an infringement of a … Continue reading Media Statement: Government should invest in providing long-term childcare to families of women employed overseas