Category: New Media

OutRight social media workshop

A social media workshop was organised by the Women and Media Collective for Feminist, women’s rights and sexual rights activists in the country. The workshop was designed to build a conversation around the prevailing narrative and content that is available online, particularly on social media, on the rights of women and sexual minorities. Defining advocacy, … Continue reading OutRight social media workshop

EROTICS: ‘Disrupting the Binary Code: Experiences of LGBT Sri Lankan’s Online’ (Study Launch)

Blog: Disrupting the Binary Code: Experiences of LGBT Sri Lankan’s Online, a research study looking at sexuality and ICT’s was launched recently. As part of the EROTICS South Asia Network, (short for exploratory research on ICT’s and sexuality), the study was conducted in partner with the Association for Progressive Communications. The EROTICS research, unpacks … Continue reading EROTICS: ‘Disrupting the Binary Code: Experiences of LGBT Sri Lankan’s Online’ (Study Launch)

EROTICS: ‘Disrupting the Binary Code: Experiences of LGBT Sri Lankan’s Online’ (Study Launch)

Disrupting the Binary Code: Experiences of LGBT Sri Lankan’s Online, a research study looking at sexuality and ICT’s was launched recently. As part of the EROTICS South Asia Network, (short for exploratory research on ICT’s and sexuality), the study was conducted in partner with the Association for Progressive Communications. The EROTICS research, unpacks the ways … Continue reading EROTICS: ‘Disrupting the Binary Code: Experiences of LGBT Sri Lankan’s Online’ (Study Launch)

Interview with Women’s Media Collective, Sri Lanka: About lesbian tutorials and other strategies

Blog: Sourc: By Shubha Kayastha mage source: Shubha Kayastha (sketch by participants in a sexuality workshop). Title: freedom of thought. Description: Art work showing different way in which one can access knowledge and enjoy sexual rights. Shubha Kayastha interviewed research team including Sanchia Brown, Programme Officer at Women and Media Collective (WMC) Sri … Continue reading Interview with Women’s Media Collective, Sri Lanka: About lesbian tutorials and other strategies

EROTICS: Digital Storytelling Workshop

Blog: Storytelling is a powerful medium that allows people to describe an experience to a listening audience. While there are many ways in which stories are told, the Association for Progressive Communications together with the Women and Media Collective held a digital storytelling workshop to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to tell … Continue reading EROTICS: Digital Storytelling Workshop