Category: New Media

National Women’s Convention 2016

The annual Sri Lankan National Women’s activists Convention organised by the Women and Media Collective was an opportunity to revisit ‘feminist understanding of the current political dynamics in Sri Lanka’. It brought together around 40 feminists and women activists, some representing organisations while others individually, to Wadduwa from the 14 – 16 of October 2016. The … Continue reading National Women’s Convention 2016

Ambassadorship presented to Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala by the Minister of Women’s Affairs

Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala the first Sri Lankan to summit Mount Everest was presented with the Ambassadorship for the protection of women’s rights and an end to violence against women by the Hon. Minister Chandrani Bandara from the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, today. The Ambassadorship to Jayanthi was granted for the next three years. It is with … Continue reading Ambassadorship presented to Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala by the Minister of Women’s Affairs

Selected Photographers: WMC Women’s Photography Exhibition 2016

The photographs for the WMC women’s photography exhibition 2016 have been selected by our panel of judges. The theme for this year is Women, Culture and Religion. There was a good response to our submission call and while we thank all those who sent in their submissions below are the names of photographers who will … Continue reading Selected Photographers: WMC Women’s Photography Exhibition 2016

IWD 2016: Strengthening and Protecting the rights of women in Sri Lanka through the new constitution

The struggle for supporting and strengthening women’s human rights in the political, social and economical spheres is far from over. In Sri Lanka for instance various forms of discrimination and violence against women in private and public life continues to undermine the gains made in achieving relatively high social development indicators for women and girls. … Continue reading IWD 2016: Strengthening and Protecting the rights of women in Sri Lanka through the new constitution

Written Statement for the 60th Session of the CSW

Source: ARROW Commission on the Status of Women Sixtieth session 14-24 March 2016 Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and to the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly entitled “Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century” Statement submitted by Asia Pacific Women’s Watch and Asian-Pacific Resource and Research … Continue reading Written Statement for the 60th Session of the CSW