Category: Local

Phase 2 – Project on Empowering Young Women by raising awareness on Feminism

The second training of a trainer’s workshop (TOT Workshop) of the Project on Empowering young women by raising awareness on feminism for  using the training manual on Justice Equality, Feminism for Justice prepared to raise awareness about feminism was held on April 30th,  2023 at the Nature Gardens Hotel in Yakkala for the Gampaha region. The 25 … Continue reading Phase 2 – Project on Empowering Young Women by raising awareness on Feminism

OPEN CALL – TOT Sessions CEDAW and Macroeconomics: Advancing Gender Equality through Feminist, Human Rights-Based Economic Advocacy.

The Women & Media Collective (WMC) and International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW AP) will be co-hosting a training of trainers (ToT), entitled CEDAW and Macroeconomics: Advancing Gender Equality through Feminist, Human Rights-Based Economic Advocacy. The ToT is a three-day in-person gathering in Negombo, scheduled for 5-7 July 2023. The training sessions will be conducted in English … Continue reading OPEN CALL – TOT Sessions CEDAW and Macroeconomics: Advancing Gender Equality through Feminist, Human Rights-Based Economic Advocacy.

Project on Empowering Young Women by raising awareness on Feminism

The first training of a trainer’s workshop (TOT Workshop) of the Project on Empowering young women by raising awareness on feminism for 20 women selected from around 400 young women studying in universities using the training manual on Justice Equality, Feminism for Justice prepared to raise awareness about feminism was held on February 18th,  2023 at … Continue reading Project on Empowering Young Women by raising awareness on Feminism

Women and Media Collective issues statement on 20th Amendment Bill

Source: Daily FT The Women and Media Collective as a women’s organisation engaged in advocating social justice and human rights, is concerned over the impact the 20th Amendment (20A) to the Constitution in its present form will have on the fabric of democracy of the country. Among other provisions in 20A we are particularly disturbed … Continue reading Women and Media Collective issues statement on 20th Amendment Bill

WMC mourns the demise of Sybil Wettasinghe

WMC is saddened by the loss of children’s book writer and illustrator Sybil Wettasinghe. We have had many special memories that we will cherish for a lifetime. Our heartfelt condolences to her family and friends. Sybil Wettasinghe illustrated our messages that popularized the Beijing Platform for Action along with cartoons for the 16 days of … Continue reading WMC mourns the demise of Sybil Wettasinghe

WMC mourns the demise of Emeritus Prof. Swarna Jayaweera

WMC mourns the demise of Professor Emeritus Swarna Jayaweera who left us on the 5th of January 2020. She was a revered researcher, teacher, mentor to all and a staunch advocate for women’s rights. We extend our prayer, love and support. May she rest in peace. Our condolences. Professor Swarna Jayaweera has made a significant … Continue reading WMC mourns the demise of Emeritus Prof. Swarna Jayaweera

Press Briefing: civil society report on Provincial Council Election System

At a press briefing this morning a committee comprising of civil society presented a report of recommendations in review of the provincial council election system. The report is a result of several drawbacks that are, at present, looming over the provincial councils act and the electoral system. It was emphasised that consultations for the report … Continue reading Press Briefing: civil society report on Provincial Council Election System

Statement about progress of petition filed against ‘liquor ban’, by women’s group and 16 individual petitioners

9 July 2018 The Supreme Court today, in an unanimous order, granted Petitioners, Women and Media Collective (WMC), Women’s Education and Research Centre(WERC), and the Centre for Women’s Research (CENWOR), and 16 other individual female petitioners, leave to proceed with their petition challenging the constitutionality of the recent Gazette notification which restricts women’s rights to … Continue reading Statement about progress of petition filed against ‘liquor ban’, by women’s group and 16 individual petitioners

Commemorating Sunila: The Personal is the Political

Since the day we lost our founder, Sunila Abeysekara, in 2013, there has been an endless flow of thought and reflection on her life among all of us. An enormous sense of gratitude for her contribution to the feminist movement and her commitment towards peoples human rights is being epitomised across the world. We have … Continue reading Commemorating Sunila: The Personal is the Political