Category: Local

People’s Movement Against the Increased Electricity Bill

Women and Media Collective participated in the protest march organised by the People’s Movement Against the Increased Electricity Bill (PMAIEB) on the 15th of May 2013. Participants included several political parties, trade unions including Health Services Trade Unions Alliance, various civil society actors including women’s organizations and also the Federation of University Teachers’ Association (FUTA).

Radhika Coomaraswamy Receives Fondation Chirac Special Jury Prize 2012 In Paris

Originally from By Colombo Telegraph – On November 22nd, 2012, Radhika Coomaraswamy, former Under Secretary General of the United Nations/Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, was awarded the Special Jury Prize 2012 by the Fondation Chirac for her actions in favor of the protection of children during armed conflict in the presence of Bernadette Chirac, wife of the former French president … Continue reading Radhika Coomaraswamy Receives Fondation Chirac Special Jury Prize 2012 In Paris

France confers National Honours on Anoma Rajakaruna

Originally from On october 23rd 2012, at the residence of France, HE Christine Robichon, Ambassador of France to Sri Lanka and the Maldives, conferred on Mrs. Anoma Rajakaruna, the insignia of knight in the Ordre National du Mérite. Mrs. Rajakaruna is a photographer, a poet, a writer and a film maker as well as the … Continue reading France confers National Honours on Anoma Rajakaruna

Address by Dr. Nimalka Fernando upon receiving the Citizens Peace Award 2011

Originally published at Address by Dr Nimalka Fernando on receiving the Citizens Peace Award 2011 of the National Peace Council of Sri Lanka at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute for International Relations & Strategic Studies, Colombo, on June 26, 2012. Religious leaders, Your Excellencies, Honorable Ministers and Members of Parliament, Political activists and civil society … Continue reading Address by Dr. Nimalka Fernando upon receiving the Citizens Peace Award 2011

Radio Clips on Women’s Issues

The WMC produced two-minute radio clips called “Kadathurawen Eha” which focus on women’s issues. The clips were aired on the Sinhala Commercial Service radio stations in 2007. The clips raise issues such as women’s rights, violence against women, sexual harassment, International Women’s Day, migrant workers, women plantation workers, women in politics, education, health, and media.