Training of Trainers manual on leadership for women in Trade Unions of Sri Lanka

This manual was developed with feedback of 40 trade union female members of 20 trade unions who belong to the Trade Union Women United network coordinated by Women and Media Collective. The manual is available in the Sinhala and Tamil languages.

Through this manual users can obtain similar levels of knowledge, attitudes and skills and this can be adopted across a wide range of trade unions. It will empower trainers by providing them with the right skills to perform their advocacy or training and will also be usable in planning and organising training materials and workshops.

Module 1 : Introduction to the trainer
Module 2: gender and trade unions
Module 3: labor, women and trade union rights
Module 4: promoting gender equality in the work place
Module 5: development of trade unions and gender mainstreaming
Module 6: bargaining and communication
Module 7: leadership, self development, networking and empowering
Module 8: from trade unions to politics

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