Category: Activities Politics

Media Release – “Defend Women’s Right to Work”

On the 26th of April 2006 WMC issued a Media Statement with 65 women’s signatures as a response to the ban on women working in NGOs in the North and the East. The same Statement with signatures was sent to the President, District Secretary in Amparai and Batticaloa and the LTTE leaders in the North … Continue reading Media Release – “Defend Women’s Right to Work”

Radio Spot Advertisements to commemorate 4th Year of CFA

Twelve 15 second Radio Spot Advertisements, in Sinhala, English and Tamil were aired on Sirasa FM, Yes FM, Y-FM and Shakthi FM on the 22nd of February, 2006. The following message was aired through this advertisement:
“The Ceasefire agreement is four years old.No more war!Let’s strengthen the ceasefirePeace – not warLife – not deathThis is the … Continue reading Radio Spot Advertisements to commemorate 4th Year of CFA

Peace Vigil to coincide with Norwegian Facilitator’s visit to Jaffna

On 23rd January 2006, the Sri Lanka Women for Peace and Democracy (SLWPD) held its second peace vigil at the Vavuniya Town, to coincide with Norwegian Facilitator Erik Solheim’s visit to Jaffna. However, due to security reasons which came up as a result of a major attack at Adampan on Saturday 21st January, they were … Continue reading Peace Vigil to coincide with Norwegian Facilitator’s visit to Jaffna

Peace Campaign – “Life not Death; Peace Not War”

In December 2005, the Sri Lankan Women for Peace and Democracy (SLWPD), a group of women’s organizations facilitate by the Women and Media Collective launched a peace campaign on the theme “Life not Death; Peace not War,” demanding that the Government of Sri Lanka and the LTTE resume negotiations and call for an end to … Continue reading Peace Campaign – “Life not Death; Peace Not War”