Combating domestic violence against LBT people – OutRight
Source: OutRight International Dear Friend, Since 2016, OutRight has been working with our Sri Lankan partner Women’s Media Collective (WMC)
Source: OutRight International Dear Friend, Since 2016, OutRight has been working with our Sri Lankan partner Women’s Media Collective (WMC)
Click here to listen to the interview The situation for women in Sri Lanka is not optimal. However, grassroots organizations,
A social media workshop was organised by the Women and Media Collective for Feminist, women’s rights and sexual rights activists
Click here to download the study [scribd id=370941933 key=key-zgkGhrhgcu2duDdywVnz mode=scroll]
Click here to download the study [scribd id=385176869 key=key-eWPEnQ7NFWQTw2UG2Fs5 mode=scroll]
Click here to download the Tamil Study [scribd id=385176589 key=key-CUWDQs5Czlk4gd3GlYrL mode=scroll]
Blog: Disrupting the Binary Code: Experiences of LGBT Sri Lankan’s Online, a research study looking at sexuality and ICT’s
Blog: Sourc: By Shubha Kayastha mage source: Shubha Kayastha (sketch by participants in a sexuality workshop). Title: freedom
Other Ruki Fernando Damith Chandimal Roshan DeSilva Azad Moulana Roshani Sandeepa Perera Palitha Vijayabandara Name withheld 1 Name withheld 2
highlighting the need for comprehensive sexuality education, especially for young people. Click on this link to view the video.
Storytelling is a powerful medium that allows people to describe an experience to a listening audience. While there are many