Category: New Media

Dr Kottegoda on Unpaid Care Work, in conversation with Savithri Rodrigo on Kaleidoscope

Dr Sepali Kottegoda, Director of Programs, Women’s Economic Rights and Media and Editor of Working Hours , will be discussing  some hard facts about the unrecognised, unpaid and under-valued contribution made by women to the economy are revealed  on Kaleidoscope Let’s Talk this Thursday. with Savithri Rodrigo on the 13th of July. Tune in on … Continue reading Dr Kottegoda on Unpaid Care Work, in conversation with Savithri Rodrigo on Kaleidoscope

Phase 2 – Project on Empowering Young Women by raising awareness on Feminism

The second training of a trainer’s workshop (TOT Workshop) of the Project on Empowering young women by raising awareness on feminism for  using the training manual on Justice Equality, Feminism for Justice prepared to raise awareness about feminism was held on April 30th,  2023 at the Nature Gardens Hotel in Yakkala for the Gampaha region. The 25 … Continue reading Phase 2 – Project on Empowering Young Women by raising awareness on Feminism

OPEN CALL – TOT Sessions CEDAW and Macroeconomics: Advancing Gender Equality through Feminist, Human Rights-Based Economic Advocacy.

The Women & Media Collective (WMC) and International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW AP) will be co-hosting a training of trainers (ToT), entitled CEDAW and Macroeconomics: Advancing Gender Equality through Feminist, Human Rights-Based Economic Advocacy. The ToT is a three-day in-person gathering in Negombo, scheduled for 5-7 July 2023. The training sessions will be conducted in English … Continue reading OPEN CALL – TOT Sessions CEDAW and Macroeconomics: Advancing Gender Equality through Feminist, Human Rights-Based Economic Advocacy.

Project on Empowering Young Women by raising awareness on Feminism

The first training of a trainer’s workshop (TOT Workshop) of the Project on Empowering young women by raising awareness on feminism for 20 women selected from around 400 young women studying in universities using the training manual on Justice Equality, Feminism for Justice prepared to raise awareness about feminism was held on February 18th,  2023 at … Continue reading Project on Empowering Young Women by raising awareness on Feminism

Vacancy – Communications Officer

Women and Media Collective (WMC) is looking for a dynamic individual who has excellent communications skills and a commitment to work on the rights of women and on gender equality, to be part of our team. Click here to download advertisement  Main Responsibilities: • Develop and implement communication strategies and advocacy campaigns together with the … Continue reading Vacancy – Communications Officer

සුනිලා අබේසේකර සහෝදරියගේ 08 වන ගුණානුස්මරණය නිමිත්තෙන්…

“කෝවිඩ් – 19 වසංගත තත්වය තුළ අපගේ සමාජ ක්‍රියාකාරිත්වය හමුවේ පවතින අභියෝග” යන මැයෙන් කාන්තා ක්‍රියාකාරීන් අතර කතිකාවක් ආරම්භක අදහස් දැක්වීම – සුමිකා පෙරේරා, ස්ත්‍රී සම්පත් මධ්‍යස්තානය සම්බන්ධීකරණය – වයලා පෙරේරා, කාන්තාව හා මාධ්‍ය සාමුහිකය

Sunila Abeysekera Memorial Lecture by Radhika Coomaraswamy

September 4th 2021 Sunila Abeyesekere was an iconic figure and remained one till she left us a few years ago. Her work continues through her many colleagues, adopted children and her daughter Subha Wijeyasiriwardene. I thought I would talk today about Sunila’s involvement in the seminal moments of the international violence against women movement. Given … Continue reading Sunila Abeysekera Memorial Lecture by Radhika Coomaraswamy