Category: Video

Don’t think of me as a woman: An election story from the margins.

The International Centre for Ethnic Studies together with Women and Media Collective is pleased to invite you to the launch of the film by Chulani Kodikara and Velayudan Jayachithra in celebration of International Women’s Day 2014 on 6th March 2014 at 4.30 p.m at ICES Auditorium, Colombo. All are welcome for the screening and discussion … Continue reading Don’t think of me as a woman: An election story from the margins.

Don’t think of me as a woman: An election story from the margins.

The International Centre for Ethnic Studies together with Women and Media Collective is pleased to invite you to the launch of the film by Chulani Kodikara and Velayudan Jayachithra in celebration of International Women’s Day 2014 on 6th March 2014 at 4.30 p.m at ICES Auditorium, Colombo. All are welcome for the screening and discussion … Continue reading Don’t think of me as a woman: An election story from the margins.

Where are the women in Local Government?

Despite an extremely favourable Human Development Index (HDI) for women, women’s representation in elected political bodies in Sri Lanka is abysmally low. It is 5.8% in parliament, 4.1% in provincial councils and only 1.8% in local government. Nominations for women by the major political parties have remained almost stagnant in the last 50 years and … Continue reading Where are the women in Local Government?

Production of Feminist Programmes on Television

The WMC in partnership with Young Asia Television completed the production of 30 minute talk shows in English, Sinhala, and Tamil. The talk shows discuss various social issues and concerns from a feminist perspective. They were initiated to fill a much felt void in the talk-show genre. The subjects discussed in the programmes were: conflict … Continue reading Production of Feminist Programmes on Television

Production of Feminist Programmes on Television

කාන්තාව හා මාධ්‍ය සාමූහිකය යන්ග් ඒෂියා ටෙලිවිෂන් සමඟ එක්ව ඉංග‍්‍රීසි, දෙමළ හා සිංහල යන භාෂා තුනෙන්ම විනාඩි 30 ක සංවාද වැඩසටහන් නිෂ්පාදනය කරන ලදී. එම සාකච්ඡුාවන් හිදී ස්ත‍්‍රී දෘෂ්ටි කෝණයකින් නොයෙකුත් සමාජ ප‍්‍රශ්න සහ ගැටළු සාකච්ඡුාවට ලක් කෙරිණ. ඒවායින් සංවාද වැඩ සටහන්වල දිගු කලක් තිස්සේ පැවති අඩුවක් සපිරීමට හැකි විය. එම වැඩ සටහන් තුළින් ගැටුම් … Continue reading Production of Feminist Programmes on Television

TV Campaign on Women’s Political Participation

Women Defining Peace (WDP) සංවිධානයේ ආධාර ඇතිව .උැ අදපැබ. ව්යාපාරයේ කොටසක් වශයෙන් දේශපාලන ආයතනවල ස්ත්රීන්ගේ කෝටාව වැඩි කර ගැනීම සඳහා වූ රූපවාහිනී ප්රචාරක ව්යාපාරය කාන්තාව හා මාධ්ය සාමූහිකය සම්බන්ධීකරණය කෙළේය. 2008 අගෝස්තු මාසයේ දී රූපවාහිනී දැන්වීම් දෙකක් නිෂ්පාදනය කළ අතර දෙරණ සහ සිරස රූපවාහිනී ආයතන දෙකේ එය විකාශනය කෙරිණ. දෙමළ දැන්වීම විකාශනය කරන ලද්දේ ශක්ති … Continue reading TV Campaign on Women’s Political Participation

TV Campaign on Women’s Political Participation

WMC with the support of Women Defining Peace (WDP) coordinated the broadcasting of a TV campaign for a quota for women in political institutions as part of the We Women campaign.Two TV spots were produced in August 2008 Sinhala advertisements were telecasted on Derana TV and Sirasa TV, while the Tamil advertisements were telecasted on … Continue reading TV Campaign on Women’s Political Participation

YA TV – Point of View

කාන්තාව හා මාධ්‍ය සාමූහිකය, Women”s Campaign International හා යාටීවී එක්ව 2008 සැප්තැම්බර් මාසයේ සිට නව රූපවාහිනී සහ ගුවන්විදුලි සංවාද මාලාවක් හඳුන්වා දුන්නේය. ඉන් ස්ත‍්‍රීන්ගේ අත්දැකීම් හා ඔවුන්් සමාජයට ලබාදුන් දායකත්වය ඉස්මතු කෙළේය.