Category: Gender and Work

May Day 2013 – Trade Unions highlight the rights of women workers

This year, Sri Lankan Trade Unions highlighted the Rights of Women Workers as part of the issues that were raised in the workers’ rallies on May 1st. A number of Trade Union women members were raising banners and placards focusing on women workers’ rights in Sri Lanka, including members of the Government Nursing Officer’s Association … Continue reading May Day 2013 – Trade Unions highlight the rights of women workers

May Day 2013 – Trade Unions highlight the rights of women workers

This year, Sri Lankan Trade Unions highlighted the Rights of Women Workers as part of the issues that were raised in the workers’ rallies on May 1st. A number of Trade Union women members were raising banners and placards focusing on women workers’ rights in Sri Lanka, including members of the Government Nursing Officer’s Association … Continue reading May Day 2013 – Trade Unions highlight the rights of women workers

Media Statement: Trade Unions to Raise Women Workers’ Rights at May Day Rallies

මෙවර මැයි දින රැුළිවල විශේෂත්වයක් ලෙස අප දකින්නේ බොහෝ වෘත්තීය සමිති කම්කරු ස්ත‍්‍රීන්ගේ අයිතිවාසිකම් හා ඉල්ලීම් තම ප‍්‍රධාන මැයි රැුළි තේමාවන්වලට ඇතුළත් කිරීමට කටයුතු සූදානම් කිරීමයි. එ් වෙනුවෙන් කම්කරු ස්ත‍්‍රීන්ව, ඔවුන්ට අදාළ වන තේමාවන් ඔස්සේ වෙනම බැනරයන් යටතේ මැයි දින පෙළපාලි වල ගමන් කරවීමට සූදානම් කර ඇත. Image from

Consultation: “Women, Work, and Well Being: What are returnee women migrants telling us?”

A consultation hosted by WMC with the theme “Women, Work, and Well Being: What are returnee women migrants telling us?” was held on the 4th of April 2013 at Hotel Renuka in Colombo 03. The primary focus was to share the preliminary findings of the research that WMC conducted with Returnee Migrant women workers in … Continue reading Consultation: “Women, Work, and Well Being: What are returnee women migrants telling us?”

Consultation: “Women, Work, and Well Being: What are returnee women migrants telling us?”

A consultation hosted by WMC with the theme “Women, Work, and Well Being: What are returnee women migrants telling us?” was held on the 4th of April 2013 at Hotel Renuka in Colombo 03. The primary focus was to share the preliminary findings of the research that WMC conducted with Returnee Migrant women workers in … Continue reading Consultation: “Women, Work, and Well Being: What are returnee women migrants telling us?”

Documentary on migrant worker Ariyawathie

ACTFORM produced a documentary on Ariyawathie from Hakmana, Matara (in the Southern Province) who was inhumanely tortured while working in Saudi Arabia in 2010 by her employers who hammered nails into various parts of her body. The documentary is in Sinhala with English subtitles. DVDs were distributed to relevant Ministries, migrant worker organizations, trade unions etc. and … Continue reading Documentary on migrant worker Ariyawathie