Category: Activities Politics

Political Representation of Women: Ensuring 25% Increase

RECOMMENDATIONS MADE BY WOMEN’S GROUPS TO THE 20TH AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION CURRENTLY UNDER DISCUSSION Women in Sri Lanka have had the right to vote from as early as 1931, but very little opportunity to become the people’s elected political representatives—in either Parliament or in Provincial or Local Government. This fact has been highlighted worldwide … Continue reading Political Representation of Women: Ensuring 25% Increase

Film: Determining Futures, women in Trade Unions in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s Trade Union women leaders are a driving force in the lives of working women due to the constant trials and struggles encountered in the workplace. Marred by gender discrimination and sometimes violence women in the past have had to step forward and speak up for their rights. This led to the emergence of … Continue reading Film: Determining Futures, women in Trade Unions in Sri Lanka

Increasing women’s political representation: a discussion on current reforms

A consultation with Kare Vollan, an expert on electoral reforms, was held yesterday to discuss the prospects of increasing political representation of women in parliament in the current context of constitutional and electoral reforms. For the first time the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickremesinghe has proposed reforms that will ensure a substantive increase … Continue reading Increasing women’s political representation: a discussion on current reforms

Film: Don’t think of me as a woman, an election story from the margins

This film documents the electoral struggle of Aynoon Beebi, a 39-year old Muslim woman from Kinniya, in Trincomalee, at the 2011 local government elections. While celebrating Aynoon’s political ambitions, the film explores the ways in which she challenges mechanisms of power and dominance that are naturalised within her community and political party structures. Women account … Continue reading Film: Don’t think of me as a woman, an election story from the margins

IWD2015: Sticker and Poster Campaign

For International Women’s Day 2015, a sticker and poster campaign was carried out by women’s rights groups with a message to increase women’s political participation by at least 25% within all political bodies of Sri Lanka. With this women’s groups also see a dire need to establish an Independent Women’s Commission to ensure the promises made in … Continue reading IWD2015: Sticker and Poster Campaign

A New Sri Lanka for Women: establishing an Independent Women’s Commission

Petition The establishment of an Independent Women’s Commission was first proposed by women activists and advocates as far back as 1991. Since then a number of proposals have been made by successive governments to statutorily establish such a Commission. In 2003, the United National Front government, headed by the UNP, drafted a Women’s Rights Bill. … Continue reading A New Sri Lanka for Women: establishing an Independent Women’s Commission

දේශපාලනයේ ස්ත්‍රි නියෝජනය වැඩි කිරීම සඳහා ස්ත්‍රින්ගේ ඉල්ලීම

මීළඟ පළාත් පාලන ආයතන ජන්දය මිශ්ර ක්රමයකට පැවැත්වීමට නියමිත බැවින් පළාත් පාලන ආයතන ජන්ද විමසීම් (සංශෝධන) පනතට, ස්තී්රන්ට 25%ක ආසන වෙන්කිරීමක් සිදුකරන ලෙසට සංශෝධන ගෙන එන ලෙස දේශපාලන පක්ෂවලින් ඉල්ලා සිටීම. පළාත් සභා මැතිවරණවලදී නාමයෝජනා ලබාදීමේ දී හා ප්රසාද ආසන ලබාදීමේ දී ස්තී්ර පුරුෂ සමාජභාවීය සමතුලිතාවයකින් යුතුව ආසන වෙන්කරන මෙන් දේශපාලන පක්ෂවලින් ඉල්ලා සිටීම. දේශපාලනයේ … Continue reading දේශපාලනයේ ස්ත්‍රි නියෝජනය වැඩි කිරීම සඳහා ස්ත්‍රින්ගේ ඉල්ලීම