Category: State & Politics

In photographs: WMC’s partner meeting on women’s political representation

A partner meeting in Kaluthara was organised by the Women and Media Collective with five women organisations in the country to discuss steps and challenges ahead, for women contesting in the upcoming Local Government elections. With the inclusion of a 25% quota for women in Local Government, women’s rights organisations are working towards ensuring that … Continue reading In photographs: WMC’s partner meeting on women’s political representation

Discussion on LA Act. – 25% quota for women

A meeting to discuss the Local Authorities Elections Amendment Act within the purview of the newly introduced provisions for women’s representation in Local Government was organised by the Women and Media Collective, on Friday 6th of October 2017. The new electoral system and the 25% quota allocation for women were discussed at length among women … Continue reading Discussion on LA Act. – 25% quota for women

Comments on the Amended Local Authorities Elections Act (Sinhala)

පළාත් පාලන ආයතන තුළ ස්ත්‍රීන්ගේ නියෝජනය 25%කින් වැඩිකරන බවට රජය විසින් පොරොන්දුවක් ලබාදෙන ලදී. ඒ අනුව පසුගිය කාලය පුරා මේ ඉල්ලීම තහවුරු කරගැනීම පිණිස අප කාන්තා ක්‍රියාකාරිනියන් විසින් අදාළ දේශපාලන නායකයින් සමඟ සාකච්ඡාවට ද ලක්කරන ලදී. පසුගිය අගෝස්තු 25 වන දින පළාත් පාලන ආයතන ඡන්ද විමසීම් සංශෝධන පනත සම්මතවීමත් සමඟ ඒ පිළිබඳ කාන්තාව සහ මාධ්‍ය … Continue reading Comments on the Amended Local Authorities Elections Act (Sinhala)

Fair hand for fair justice – Daily News

Source: Daily News When women are in government, the benefits are boundless: corruption lessens, the economy improves, and governance itself is more efficient. One would think such positive results would mean female participation in politics would be high, and ever-increasing. Unfortunately, in Sri Lanka, like elsewhere, this is hardly the case. Since 1931, Sri Lankan … Continue reading Fair hand for fair justice – Daily News

Women’s groups move to secure 25% quota

The Women and Media Collective (WMC) together with 23 Women’s organisations expressed their concern to the President, Prime Minister and the Minister of Provincial Councils and Local Government on the reported negotiations to reformulate the enacted 25% quota for women in Local Authorities. In order to ensure that the current provision of a 25% quota … Continue reading Women’s groups move to secure 25% quota

Women’s groups move to secure the 25% quota for women in Local Government

The Women and Media Collective (WMC) together with 23 Women’s organisations expressed their concern to the President, Prime Minister and the Minister of Provincial Councils and Local Government on the reported negotiations to reformulate the enacted 25% quota for women in Local Authorities. In order to ensure that the current provision of a 25% quota … Continue reading Women’s groups move to secure the 25% quota for women in Local Government