Category: Local

Fairness prevails for the murder and rape of FTZ woman worker says women’s groups

A high court judge sentenced a medical doctor, of the Negambo hospital, to death on the 3rd of September 2014 for the murder of young woman in 2007. Chamila Dissanayake (23) who was working in the Free Trade Zone (FTZ) in Katunayake was raped, strangled and then pushed to hear death, according to medical reports, … Continue reading Fairness prevails for the murder and rape of FTZ woman worker says women’s groups

Judge advised police on Wariyapola incident

The case against Thilini Amalka for voluntarily causing hurt was heard this morning at the Wariyapola magistrate courts in Kurunegala. The judge ordered that a medical report be produced by Chandra Kumara also known as Selva the man who allegedly harassed Thilini sexually on the streets of Wariyapola which led Thilini to slap him. A … Continue reading Judge advised police on Wariyapola incident

WMC condemns the societal indictments of Thilini Amalka

The Women and Media Collective condemns the socially-motivated indictments of Thilini Amalka, a 21 year old girl from Wariyapola. Thilini who had supposedly been sexually harassed by a man at the Wariyapola bus stand was summoned by the Wariyapola Police for questioning on the 25th of August. The police, instead of taking proper action with … Continue reading WMC condemns the societal indictments of Thilini Amalka

Civil Society plan to review 20 years of Beijing Platform for Action

A broad coalition of feminist and women’s rights networks, constituencies and allies are preparing for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) regional and global review of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. A CSO Steering Committee of 16 organisations [1] including regional networks, constituency based groups … Continue reading Civil Society plan to review 20 years of Beijing Platform for Action