Eya (Sinhala Publication)
The second publication of Eya featuring Sunila Abeysekara [scribd id=223504441 key=key-1sjtyg6wzsg85kipgoqd mode=scroll]
The second publication of Eya featuring Sunila Abeysekara [scribd id=223504441 key=key-1sjtyg6wzsg85kipgoqd mode=scroll]
Some Insights from three Conflict Affected Districts in Sri Lanka By Dr. Sepali Kottegoda In May 2003, when a Ceasefire
This report is based on a three-year research project on gender in peacebuilding, which involved field research in four countries
This study by the Women and Media Collective is on Sri Lankan returnee migrant women and, brings to life the
The latest issue of Eya on Women and Democracy [scribd id=159099618 key=key-tz0c6506wpiw8dxv77x mode=scroll]
Options (No. 47) on Language, edited by Vivimarie Vanderpoorten available online here or you can download it on Scrib by
Joining the Dots is a research that explores the economic empowerment of women in conflict affected areas combining UNSCR 1325,
The latest issue of Options on Women in Politics can be found at http://options.womenandmedia.org/category/issue/no-46-women-in-politics/ Contributors for this issue include Dr. Kumari
Latest issue of Eya on women’s sexual and reproductive health rights. [scribd id=121418377 key=key-1rgvor3fvk79t5b058ev mode=scroll]
Options Issue No. 45 | Women Bloggers http://options.womenandmedia.org/category/issue/no-45-women-bloggers/