
Parliament’s Representation of Women: A Selective Review of Sri Lanka’s Hansards from 2005-2014

This book launched on the 30th of January 2016, provides a ‘thick description’ of the references made to women in Parliament. In this regard, it is different to other attempts at quantifying Parliamentary discourses around women1, adopting instead a qualitative approach. While recognizing the value of quantitative research, the aim of this volume is to … Continue reading Parliament’s Representation of Women: A Selective Review of Sri Lanka’s Hansards from 2005-2014

Written Statement for the 60th Session of the CSW

Source: ARROW Commission on the Status of Women Sixtieth session 14-24 March 2016 Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and to the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly entitled “Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century” Statement submitted by Asia Pacific Women’s Watch and Asian-Pacific Resource and Research … Continue reading Written Statement for the 60th Session of the CSW

Women’s contribution to the new constitution making process

The Women and Media Collective organised a round of discussion on the new constitution making process and to see the possibilities where women’s groups can intervene. The Discussions were conducted in Batticaloa , Kurunegala and Colombo with the participation of women activists, civil society organization members, women affiliated to political parties, Trade union women and … Continue reading Women’s contribution to the new constitution making process

Women’s contribution to the new constitution making process

The Women and Media Collective organised a round of discussion on the new constitution making process and to see the possibilities where women’s groups can intervene. The Discussions were conducted in Batticaloa , Kurunegala and Colombo with the participation of women activists, civil society organization members, women affiliated to political parties, Trade union women and … Continue reading Women’s contribution to the new constitution making process

A national conference for Women Headed Households

Under the banner ‘Empowering women headed households – A building block in the reconciliation process’ a national conference for women headed households took place on the 10th December 2015 at the BMICH. Viluthu, Centre for Human Resource Development in partnership with FLICT organised this event which brought together women headed households from the North and … Continue reading A national conference for Women Headed Households

සංක‍්‍රමණිකයින්ගේ අයිතිවාසිකම් තහවුරු කරමු ! 2015 දෙසැම්බර් 18 වන දින ජාත්‍යන්තර සංක‍්‍රමණික දිනය සමරමු !

2015 වසරේ දී අප සමරනු ලබන්නේ 16 වන ජාත්‍යන්තර සංක‍්‍රමණික දිනයයි. දෙසැම්බර් 18 වන දින ජාත්‍යන්තර සංක‍්‍රමණික දිනය ලෙස 2000 වසරේ දී එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සංගමය විසින් ප‍්‍රකාශයට පත්කරන ලදී. එදා සිට අද දක්වාම ලෝකයේ බොහෝ රටවල, විශේෂයෙන් සංක‍්‍රමණික සේවය සඳහා සේවකයින් යවන රාජ්‍යයන් විසින් මෙම දිනය සමරනු ලබයි. ලෝක ආර්ථිකයට වැදගත් දායකත්වයක් සංක‍්‍රමණික සේවකයින් නිසා … Continue reading සංක‍්‍රමණිකයින්ගේ අයිතිවාසිකම් තහවුරු කරමු ! 2015 දෙසැම්බර් 18 වන දින ජාත්‍යන්තර සංක‍්‍රමණික දිනය සමරමු !

Statement on stoning of migrant worker from the Prime Ministers Task Force on Violence Against Women

The task force on violence against women is shocked that a Sri Lankan migrant worker has been sentenced to death by stoning in Saudi Arabia for the crime of adultery. Adultery is not a crime in Sri Lanka. Besides, the Sri Lankan justice system does not recognize the punishment of stoning. Such a punishment is … Continue reading Statement on stoning of migrant worker from the Prime Ministers Task Force on Violence Against Women

For her life

සෞදියේ දී ගල් ගසා මරා දැමීමට නියමිත ඇගේ ජීවිතය වෙනුවෙන් ඔබේ හදවතේ ඉඩක් ඇත්නම් දෙසැම්බර් 3 වනදා හවස 4 ට තුම්මුල්ල හංදියේ එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ මූළස්ථානය ඉදිරියට එන්න. මේ ගෙවෙමින් ඇත්තේ ඇය වෙනුවෙන් අපට දැනෙන වේදනාව ප්‍රකාශ කිරීමට ලැබෙන අවසන් පැය ගනන විය හැකි ය. ඒ වේදනාවට මේ අප්‍රසන්න යථාර්ථය වෙනස් කරන්නට දායක විය හැකි ද? … Continue reading For her life