DAWN – Regional Training Institute
The 2nd Regional Training Institute for young feminists from South and South East Asia was organized by Development Alternatives with
The 2nd Regional Training Institute for young feminists from South and South East Asia was organized by Development Alternatives with
An intergenerational meeting of older and younger activists/feminists was held at WMC on the 23rd of March 2009. The objective
WMC celebrated International Women’s Day 2009 at a meeting organized by the Praja Diriya Padanama of Puttalam.
A writers’ meeting was held on the 17th of October 2008 at WMC where all the CEDAW shadow report and
A briefing of the Gender Architecture Reform (GEAR) of the UN system was held at the WMC on the 26th
WMC organized a National Convention with its partner women’s organizations from the 6th – 8th February 2009 at Hotel Thilanka
September – December 2008 This period saw the summarized final reports of the project from each district being presented to
WMC along with other non-governmental organizations participated in a rally in commemoration of Human Rights Day 2008 at the Lipton
WMC was represented at the FLICT Partner Days held in Beruwala in October and in Kandy in November. Participants shared