A 5 day Residential Training was held in Colombo, on the use of CEDAW and UNSCR 1325 for information gathering and documentation purposes in relation to issues faced by women affected by the conflict. The training was conducted by WMC and IWRAW-AP and was attended by 20 participants (4 each from 5 partner organizations) from the following districts: Jaffna, Vavuniya, Batticloa, Amparia and Anuradhapura. The five partner organizations included Home for Human Rights, Viluthu, Surya Women’s Development Centre, Muslim Women’s Research and Action Forum and the Rajarata Community Centre. It was held from the 27th to the 31st of August 2012.
Advancing Women’s Rights Amid Crisis: WMC’s Joint Shadow Report for CEDAW
The Women and Media Collective (WMC), in collaboration with 14 civil society organizations and independent researchers, proudly presents its Shadow