Women and Media Collective issues statement on 20th Amendment Bill
Source: Daily FT The Women and Media Collective as a women’s organisation engaged in advocating social justice and human rights,
Source: Daily FT The Women and Media Collective as a women’s organisation engaged in advocating social justice and human rights,
This statement highlights concerns by the WMC on some of the provisions of the proposed 20th Amendment to the constitution.
The newly elected local councilors training comprised of 30 women local councilors who were elected from the Kurunegala District. These
The Galle district level observation meeting was held on the 22nd of September, 2020. It was to discuss the recommendation
In recognition of International Safe Abortion Day (Sept 28), Amnesty International has released its updated institutional policy on abortion. Amnesty
රැස්වීම් සබැඳිය: සුනිලා සැමරුම, සැප්තැම්බර් 4 වැනිදා 2020 Zoom link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81550592197?pwd=WER0SzV5WGVBSFFkeWYwYjNZT1BmQT09 Meeting ID: 815 5059 2197 Passcode: 313995 Dial
The Women and Media Collective’s Short Film Competition received many wonderful screenplays, the screenwriters who were shortlisted received a two-day