In preparation for the South Asia Consultation for Beijing+20, women’s civil society organisations in Sri Lanka came together to discuss Sri Lanka’s situation within the context of the Beijing Declaration Platform for Action (BPFA). Held on the 9th of October at CENWOR in Colombo the Sri Lanka consultation for Beijing+20 highlighted five critical areas of concern in line with the BPFA. Economic activities and poverty, conflict, violence against women along with sexual and reproductive health and rights were the critical areas highlighted at the Sri Lanka consultation. Recommendations proposed by members of the audience who attended the meeting from across the island were acknowledged for the outcome document which will strengthen the BPFA and beyond. The areas discussed at the consultation were in view of the Sustainable Development Goals as the global review of the BPFA and the global adoption of the post 2015 development framework are scheduled to take place next year, September 2015.
Advancing Women’s Rights Amid Crisis: WMC’s Joint Shadow Report for CEDAW
The Women and Media Collective (WMC), in collaboration with 14 civil society organizations and independent researchers, proudly presents its Shadow