Category: news

How far have states in Asia Pacific gone to achieve gender equality?

Governments report on gains, key challenges and opportunities Source: Isis International Ministers from the Asia and the Pacific region met today in the Asian and Pacific Conference on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Beijing+20 Review to report on their States’ gains, key challenges, and opportunities to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women after … Continue reading How far have states in Asia Pacific gone to achieve gender equality?

States Reach Consensus: Stand Alone Goal for Gender Eqaulity is Included

Climate change, SOGI, sexual rights, and violence against women among contended issues Source: Isis International Governments at the Asian and Pacific Conference on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Beijing+20 Review finalized discussing the draft ministerial outcomes document that will be approved at the end of the conference by member states of the Asia-Pacific region. State … Continue reading States Reach Consensus: Stand Alone Goal for Gender Eqaulity is Included

Sri Lankan journalist wins prestigious media award

Geneva/Stockholm, 5 September 2014 – Seven journalists were named today as winners of the “2014 WASH Media Awards” competition for their excellence in reporting on water, sanitation and hygiene-related (WASH) issues. The journalists, their winning entries, and the award categories are: Marcelo Leite (Brazil): “The Battle of Belo Monte” (Category: Water and Energy) Natasha Khan … Continue reading Sri Lankan journalist wins prestigious media award