Women, Quota and Local Councils

This study is based on the observations of the proceedings of 25 selected Local Authorities in the districts of Kurunegala, Galle, Badulla, NuwaraEliya and Trincomalee. WMC through five partner organisations observed 5 Pradeshiya Sabha’s of each District to examine how women took on their responsibilities as a local councillor, the extent to which they were successful in carrying out their work and if they had any challenges to overcome in the process. This research is from the view point of the 5 women’s organisations who observed the local councils from the period of November 2018 – December 2019. The findings will present to us women’s engagement in council meetings, the male perceptions of women councillors, the importance and relevance of training, language, procedures, time allocation, sensitivity to women’s issues and funding. The report also consists of a set of recommendations to political parties, social organisations and the media based on observations that were made.

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