Category: Domestic work

Sri Lanka National Consultation on the GFMD

ACTFORM organized a consultation meeting on the 2nd and 3rd of October, 2009 to discuss the Migrant Rights Shadow Report and the upcoming Global Forum for Migration and Development (GFMD). The meeting focused on three issues; remittances, integration, and reintegration. Some of the proposals made included a formalized/official method for the investment of migrant workers’ … Continue reading Sri Lanka National Consultation on the GFMD

Awareness Building Programme 

A series of awareness building programmes were held in Nittambuwan, Puttlam, Mathugama, Horana, Kalutara, Hambantota, Rambukkana and Kandy. They focused on the government’s decision to impose restrictions on migration of women with children below 5 years of age and familiarized the participants on the report submitted to MWC by non governmental organizations regarding the protection … Continue reading Awareness Building Programme 

Second Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD)

WMC participated in the 2nd GFMD in Manila, Philippines, hosted by the Philippine Government. The theme of the event was “Protecting and Empowering Migrants for Development”. The following issues were addressed during the roundtable discussions: 1) Migration, development and human rights, 2) Secure, legal migration can achieve stronger development impacts, and 3) Policy and instituional … Continue reading Second Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD)

Submission of the Migrant Rights NGO Shadow Report titled “The Sri Lanka NGO Shadow Report on the International Convention on the Protection of the rights of all Migrant Workers and their families,” to the Committee on Migrant Workers.

The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families was ratified by Sri Lanka in 1996. This Convention entered into force in 2003. In April 2008 the Sri Lankan Government, as part of its obligation under this Convention submitted the First Periodic Country Report to the … Continue reading Submission of the Migrant Rights NGO Shadow Report titled “The Sri Lanka NGO Shadow Report on the International Convention on the Protection of the rights of all Migrant Workers and their families,” to the Committee on Migrant Workers.

Submission of the Migrant Rights NGO Shadow Report titled “The Sri Lanka NGO Shadow Report on the International Convention on the Protection of the rights of all Migrant Workers and their families,” to the Committee on Migrant Workers.

2008 ජුනි. ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාව 1996 දී සංක‍්‍රමණික කම්කරුවන් සහ ඔවුන්ගේ පවුල්වල සාමාජිකයින්ගේ අයිතිවාසිකම් ආරක්ෂා කිරීම පිළිබඳ ජාත්‍යන්තර සන්ධානය අපරානුමත කළාය. මෙම සන්ධානය 2003 සිට බල පැවැත්විණ. ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාණ්ඩුව මෙම සම්මුතිය යටතේ කලින් කලට සංක‍්‍රමණික කම්කරුවන් පිළිබඳ කමිටුවට ඉදිරිපත් කළ යුතු වාර්තාවලින් පළමු වැන්න 2008 අපේ‍්‍රල් මාසයේ දී ඉදිරිපත් කළේය.   2006 දී සංක‍්‍රමණික කම්කරුවන් සඳහා … Continue reading Submission of the Migrant Rights NGO Shadow Report titled “The Sri Lanka NGO Shadow Report on the International Convention on the Protection of the rights of all Migrant Workers and their families,” to the Committee on Migrant Workers.

NGO Roundtable Meeting to discuss the report on “Abuses against Sri Lankan Domestic Workers in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates.”

The report was presented by Human Rights Watch. This report, based on more than 170 interviews in Sri Lanka and Saudi Arabia, documents the violations migrant domestic workers face at every step of the migration process. It also documents how the governments of Sri Lanka and the Middle East fail to protect the more than … Continue reading NGO Roundtable Meeting to discuss the report on “Abuses against Sri Lankan Domestic Workers in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates.”

NGO Roundtable Meeting to discuss the report on “Abuses against Sri Lankan Domestic Workers in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates.”

2007 නොවැම්බර්. මෙම වාර්තාව ඉදිරිපත් කරන ලද්දේ හියුමන් රයිට්ස් වොච් ආයතනය විසිනි. මෙම වාර්තාව පදනම් වී ඇත්තේ ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාවේ සහ සෞදි අරාබියේ පවත්වන ලද සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡුා 170 කට අධික ප‍්‍රමාණයකින් ලබා ගත් තොරතුරුය. සංක‍්‍රමණික ගෘහ සේවිකාවන් සංක‍්‍රමණ ක‍්‍රියාවලිය ආරම්භයේ සිටම මුහුණදෙන හිංසනයන් එහි ලේඛන ගත කොට ඇත. සෑම වසරකම ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාවෙන් මැද පෙරදිග රටවලට සංක‍්‍රමණය … Continue reading NGO Roundtable Meeting to discuss the report on “Abuses against Sri Lankan Domestic Workers in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates.”