Category: news

Don’t think of me as a woman: An election story from the margins.

The International Centre for Ethnic Studies together with Women and Media Collective is pleased to invite you to the launch of the film by Chulani Kodikara and Velayudan Jayachithra in celebration of International Women’s Day 2014 on 6th March 2014 at 4.30 p.m at ICES Auditorium, Colombo. All are welcome for the screening and discussion … Continue reading Don’t think of me as a woman: An election story from the margins.

Celebrating International Migrants Day 2013

As a tribute to all migrant workers of Sri Lanka Action Network for Migrant Workers (ACTFORM) together with Women and Media Collective (WMC) organised the 14th Annual International Migrants Day on the 21 of December at the Mahaveli Centre. This year we not only celebrated our women workers but also their families, especially children who … Continue reading Celebrating International Migrants Day 2013

People’s Movement Against the Increased Electricity Bill

Women and Media Collective participated in the protest march organised by the People’s Movement Against the Increased Electricity Bill (PMAIEB) on the 15th of May 2013. Participants included several political parties, trade unions including Health Services Trade Unions Alliance, various civil society actors including women’s organizations and also the Federation of University Teachers’ Association (FUTA).