Category: Photos


“ENDING THE DEBT BURDEN: RECLAIMING WOMEN’S AND GIRLS’ RIGHTS” a panel hosted by Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) and co- sponsored by African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET); Government of Sierra Leone; Red Latinoamericana por Justicia Económica y Social (Latindadd); Debt for Justice Norway; UN Working Group on Discrimination against … Continue reading “ENDING THE DEBT BURDEN: RECLAIMING WOMEN’S AND GIRLS’ RIGHTS” – Women and Media Collective at CSW

The Women and Media Collective Short Film Festival and Award Ceremony 2023

The Annual Short Film Festival and Award Ceremony of the Women and Media Collective was held on the 4th of April 2023, at the Thranganie Hall of the National Film Cooperation from 2.30 pm to 5.00 pm. The Festival celebrated the finalist film makers of the Short Film Competition held in the month of February … Continue reading The Women and Media Collective Short Film Festival and Award Ceremony 2023

Sri Lanka parallel report for Beijing+25 review process

The 25th Anniversary of the Fourth World Conference and the formulation of the Beijing Platform for Action falls in 2020. Since 1995, at 5 year intervals governments as well as civil society have been engaged in reviewing the implementation of the BPFA towards assessing achievements relating to ensuring women’s rights and gender equality in respective … Continue reading Sri Lanka parallel report for Beijing+25 review process

Planning Meeting on the Preparation of a National Parellel Report for the Beijing+25 Review and the SDGs

Women’s rights activists and women’s organisations were invited for a consultation to provide inputs to the national parallel report of the Beijing + 25. At the consultation specific areas were identified from the guided questionnaire provided by the NGO CSW in New York. The NGO parallel reports will be submitted to UN Women and fed … Continue reading Planning Meeting on the Preparation of a National Parellel Report for the Beijing+25 Review and the SDGs