Women’s Call to the Presidential Candidates A Women’s Manifesto for 2024/2025

Women’s Call to the Presidential Candidates

A Women’s Manifesto for 2024/2025


As women, we strive for an ethical political culture and a democratic and just society, within which all human rights are valued and protected by the state and where all people are equal. We strive for a society in which everyone can be free from harm, live with dignity, choose their own employment, have access to quality healthcare and education provided by the state, access decent housing, and live within a society and state where accountability is the norm and valued.

We assert that women’s rights have historically been curtailed through a socially conservative interpretation of ‘gender’, which has dictated restrictive gender roles and harmful stereotypes.

We affirm that women and other historically marginalised communities should have the right to access justice and be treated fairly within the justice system. All workplaces should be safe and inclusive environments. The state should uphold this principle, as well as compel the private sector to uphold it.

The Full list of our demands are available below

English – Women-Manifesto-2024-2025

Sinhala – කාන්තාවන් විසින් ජනාධිපති අපේක්ෂකයින්ට සිදුකරන ඉල්ලීම

Tamil – Tamil translation of Women Manifesto 2024 – 2025