Category: Legal and Policy Reforms

Media Briefing: Women’s Manifesto for the Presidential Candidates of 2019

On behalf of women’s organization in the country the Women and Media Collective organized a media briefing in Colombo, on the 17th of October, to highlight the demands made by women in the recently drafted women’s manifesto. The women’s manifesto is a call to all presidential candidates, contesting for the presidential elections of 2019. According … Continue reading Media Briefing: Women’s Manifesto for the Presidential Candidates of 2019

Drafting of women’s manifesto for presidential candidates of 2019

As Sri Lanka’s presidential elections of 2019 draws near, women’s organizations and civil society activists in the country came together to draft a women’s manifesto addressed to all presidential candidates. The women’s manifesto consists of women’s demands, as a call for candidates to take action on a number of topics as outlined in the draft … Continue reading Drafting of women’s manifesto for presidential candidates of 2019

Press Briefing: civil society report on Provincial Council Election System

At a press briefing this morning a committee comprising of civil society presented a report of recommendations in review of the provincial council election system. The report is a result of several drawbacks that are, at present, looming over the provincial councils act and the electoral system. It was emphasised that consultations for the report … Continue reading Press Briefing: civil society report on Provincial Council Election System

Statement on the Death Penalty in Sri Lanka

Image: Front Page Africa To read the statement in Sinhala and Tamil click here 18 July 2018 As feminists, human rights defenders, university teachers, academics,women’s rights activists and organizations and as citizens involved in working towards the realization of the equal rights of all people, we strongly condemn any attempts by the President and others … Continue reading Statement on the Death Penalty in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka consultation on CEDAW shadow report

A consultation focusing on the Sri Lanka Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (LBT) shadow report, submitted to Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) at the Sixty-sixth session, was held in Wadduwa recently. The consultation brought together rights activists and members of women’s rights and LGBT organisations to discuss the contents of the report … Continue reading Sri Lanka consultation on CEDAW shadow report