Category: Photos

Capacity building New Media workshop for HerSpace

Aiming to strengthen the women’s network in the country a New Media training workshop was organised on the 6th of June 2014, for women in Sri Lanka by the Women and Media Collective. Women’s rights activists and members of women’s groups participated in the training to build a presence online and to eschew the skepticism … Continue reading Capacity building New Media workshop for HerSpace

ACTFORM Kurunegala District Committee Meetings

With an aim of creating awareness on issues pertaining to migrant worker rights, Action Network for Migrant Workers (ACTFORM), Women and Media Collective, Women’s Resource Centre and the Kurunegala District Committee created a space for discussion with 15 members from human rights organisations, NGO’s, government representatives, women’s groups and migrant workers. This initiative is part … Continue reading ACTFORM Kurunegala District Committee Meetings

ACTFORM Kegalle District Committee meetings

Government representatives, NGO’s, human rights activists and migrant workers met and discussed several key elements that are hindering the rights of women workers abroad. Coordinated by the Action Network for Migrant Workers (ACTFORM) and Women and Media Collective (WMC) the Migrant Women’s Organisation of Kegalle held meetings to implement the National Action Plan for migrant … Continue reading ACTFORM Kegalle District Committee meetings

Celebrating International Migrants Day 2013

As a tribute to all migrant workers of Sri Lanka Action Network for Migrant Workers (ACTFORM) together with Women and Media Collective (WMC) organised the 14th Annual International Migrants Day on the 21 of December at the Mahaveli Centre. This year we not only celebrated our women workers but also their families, especially children who … Continue reading Celebrating International Migrants Day 2013

Gender and leadership workshop: Trade Union Women Claiming Political Leadership

A four day residential training programme, Stepping Stones, for trade union women on gender and leadership was held in two phases on the 19th and 20th November and on the 17th and 18th December , 2013 in Colombo. The objective if this workshop was to train the trade union members as gender and leadership trainees … Continue reading Gender and leadership workshop: Trade Union Women Claiming Political Leadership