Category: International


“ENDING THE DEBT BURDEN: RECLAIMING WOMEN’S AND GIRLS’ RIGHTS” a panel hosted by Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) and co- sponsored by African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET); Government of Sierra Leone; Red Latinoamericana por Justicia Económica y Social (Latindadd); Debt for Justice Norway; UN Working Group on Discrimination against … Continue reading “ENDING THE DEBT BURDEN: RECLAIMING WOMEN’S AND GIRLS’ RIGHTS” – Women and Media Collective at CSW

Statement by women’s rights organizations on the violence on Easter Sunday 2019

Image: Ada Derana Download Statement We condemn the bloody attacks in Negombo, Colombo and Batticaloa, in churches and hotels, on 21 April 2019, Easter Sunday. We send our deepest condolences to those grieving the loss of their loved ones, friends and colleagues. We commit to upholding the values of peace and coexistence on the island. … Continue reading Statement by women’s rights organizations on the violence on Easter Sunday 2019

(Petition) The Rape and Murder of 8 year old girl in India: Women’s Groups and Activists Express Concern

25th April 2018 H.E. Taranjit Singh Sandhu High Commissioner High Commission of India Colombo 3. Your Excellency, The Rape and Murder of 8 year old girl: Women’s Groups and Activists Express Concern We are deeply disturbed by the recent events in Rasana, in the Kathua district of Kashmir and shocked by the fact that a … Continue reading (Petition) The Rape and Murder of 8 year old girl in India: Women’s Groups and Activists Express Concern

Fair hand for fair justice – Daily News

Source: Daily News When women are in government, the benefits are boundless: corruption lessens, the economy improves, and governance itself is more efficient. One would think such positive results would mean female participation in politics would be high, and ever-increasing. Unfortunately, in Sri Lanka, like elsewhere, this is hardly the case. Since 1931, Sri Lankan … Continue reading Fair hand for fair justice – Daily News

Women’s groups move to secure 25% quota

The Women and Media Collective (WMC) together with 23 Women’s organisations expressed their concern to the President, Prime Minister and the Minister of Provincial Councils and Local Government on the reported negotiations to reformulate the enacted 25% quota for women in Local Authorities. In order to ensure that the current provision of a 25% quota … Continue reading Women’s groups move to secure 25% quota

Rights Talk: Gender equality, women’s work and care

As part of the Commission’s International Women’s Day celebrations, please join Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins for a special International Women’s Day RightsTalk on gender equality and women’s work and care on the 2nd March 2017. This IWD RightsTalk will explore the recognition of unpaid care and domestic work that remains the burden of women … Continue reading Rights Talk: Gender equality, women’s work and care


SRI LANKA COLLECTIVE ORAL STATEMENT TO CEDAW COMMITTEE Presented at 66th Session, Geneva Presented by: Thiyagi Piyadasa, Hyshyama Hamin, Rosanna Flamer-Caldera, Shyamala Gomez, Anushani Alagarajah and Kumudini Samuel, on behalf activists and organizations (listed in page 4) working on women’s civil, political, socio-cultural and economic rights in rural and urban parts of Sri Lanka. Madam … Continue reading SRI LANKA: COLLECTIVE ORAL STATEMENT TO CEDAW COMMITTEE