Category: Local

To all political parties: These are our concerns

Source: Sunday Observer Ensure women’s rights and gender equality By Women and Media Collective There are selected issues concerning the rights of women that all political parties are requested to commit to address: Independent National Commission on Women There is an urgent need to set up a strong formal institution with legal powers to address … Continue reading To all political parties: These are our concerns

Open Letter to all Political Parties – Key Pledges to be included in Manifestos

13th July, 2015 We the undersigned Sri Lankan civil society activists and organizations, wish to bring to your attention human rights issues of pivotal importance to reconciliation, unity, peace and prosperity in our country, which we strongly believe should be included in your party manifestos for the forthcoming General Election. During the campaign period leading … Continue reading Open Letter to all Political Parties – Key Pledges to be included in Manifestos

2015 ජූලි 09 දින රිවිර පුවත්පතේ පළ කර තිබු ‘දවසේ ටොක්ක’ කාටූනයට විරෝධය දැක්වීම

2015 ජූලි 09 වන දින රිවිර පුවත්පතේ පළ කර තිබු කැමිලස් විසින් අදින ලද ‘දවසේ ටොක්ක’ කාටූනය පිළිබඳව කාන්තාව හා මාධ්‍ය සාමූහිකයේ අප‍්‍රසාදය හා විරෝධය මෙයින් පළ කරමු. අපේ රටේ සමස්ත ජනගහනයෙන් 52%ක් වන ස්තී‍්‍රන්, මෙරට ජන්දදායකයින්ගෙන් 56%ක් ද වෙයි. එහෙත් මෙරට, දේශපාලන තීන්දු තීරණ ගන්නා මණ්ඩලවල ස්තී‍්‍රන්ට හිමි වී තිබෙන්නේ ඉතාමත් අඩු ස්ථානයකි. 1931 … Continue reading 2015 ජූලි 09 දින රිවිර පුවත්පතේ පළ කර තිබු ‘දවසේ ටොක්ක’ කාටූනයට විරෝධය දැක්වීම

New Media workshop: SEO for social activism via Social Media (Tamil Language)

A New Media workshop on Social Media and SEO techniques for social activism was held at the Women and Media Collective on the 4th of July 2015. The workshop titled “SEO for social activism via Social Media” was headed by Sarawanan Nadarasa for media personnel, particularly women working in Tamil news websites. The workshop was … Continue reading New Media workshop: SEO for social activism via Social Media (Tamil Language)

Study: Inside the news – Challenges and aspirations of women journalists in Asia and the Pacific

The media industry and newsrooms in particular continues to be shadowed by various gender disparities despite an increase of women media professionals in the Asia Pacific region. Recognising this UNESCO released a study titled ‘Inside the news: Challenges and aspirations of women journalists in Asia and the Pacific’ yesterday to conceptualise the impact of gender … Continue reading Study: Inside the news – Challenges and aspirations of women journalists in Asia and the Pacific

Women’s Groups Raise Red Flags on Post-2015 Intergovernmental Negotiations

On June 23, Activists Say: “No Sustainable Development Without Equality” UNITED NATIONS—Governments are meeting this week to negotiate a political declaration for the UN Summit to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The Women’s Major Group, representing more than 600 women’s groups from over 100 countries, is calling on governments to commit to a transformative agenda … Continue reading Women’s Groups Raise Red Flags on Post-2015 Intergovernmental Negotiations

Sri Lanka Civil Society Consultation on Post – 2015 Development Agenda

A civil society consultation on the post-2015 sustainable development agenda was held on the 9th of June at CENWOR in Colombo. Members of Sri Lanka’s civil society was informed of the importance and implications of the Sustainable Development Goals to the country and how the goals need to prioritised in the National Development Agenda so … Continue reading Sri Lanka Civil Society Consultation on Post – 2015 Development Agenda

South Asia Consultation on Financing for Development (FfD)

In line with the United Nations Post-2015 Sustainable Development agenda a South Asia Consultation on Financing for Development: Advancing Progressive Regional to Global Policies brought together government representatives and members of civil society to Colombo on the 7 and 8 of June 2015, to build regionally grounded understandings and strategies toward the Third International Conference … Continue reading South Asia Consultation on Financing for Development (FfD)

Media Advisory: How can we get more women in newsrooms? New study on gender and journalism in Asia-Pacific gives media professionals their say

“Inside the News: Challenges and Aspirations of Women Journalists in Asia and the Pacific” to be launched by UNESCO, UN Women and IFJ at Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand in special event on 22 June Click here for the full report BANGKOK, 14 JUNE, 2015 – In many countries across Asia and the Pacific, women … Continue reading Media Advisory: How can we get more women in newsrooms? New study on gender and journalism in Asia-Pacific gives media professionals their say