Category: Local

CPD 49 Calls for Data Improvements to Strengthen the Implementation of the Cairo POA and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

April 15, 2016 To Leave No One Behind, Everyone Must be Counted UN Commission on Population and Development Calls for Data Improvements to Strengthen the Implementation of the Cairo Program of Action and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development A broad-based coalition of 51 women’s and youth civil society groups from Asia Pacific, Africa, Latina … Continue reading CPD 49 Calls for Data Improvements to Strengthen the Implementation of the Cairo POA and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

A Meaningful Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination: Recognising Sexual and Gender Identities

Source: Groundviews  In response to the call by the Public Representations Committee (PRC) for public submissions relating to proposed constitutional reforms, the following submission was made to the PRC on March 15th 2016. Titled ‘A Meaningful Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination: Recognising Sexual and Gender Identities’ this submission focused on specific challenges faced by members … Continue reading A Meaningful Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination: Recognising Sexual and Gender Identities

Call for nominations: WikiPeaceWomen website

The search is on for 1,000,000 women from all over the world whose stories will be uploaded to the WikiPeaceWomen website. The idea is to call international attention to the vital role played by women from all walks of life in challenging harmful established social/cultural boundaries, institutions and ideologies and in creating and promoting peace … Continue reading Call for nominations: WikiPeaceWomen website

Confusion leads to INCONSISTENCY in sentencing – Daily News

Source: Daily News A tussle between judicial discretion and mandatory sentencing has given rise to inconsistency in sentencing on cases heard in country’s judicial system. The gravity of the issue is further heightened when examining sentences given on sexual offenses, prompting different rights organisations to even file fundamental rights applications on the issue. However, remedies … Continue reading Confusion leads to INCONSISTENCY in sentencing – Daily News

A consultation on Gender and Electoral Reforms in the Constitution

To further engage women in identifying key provisions for electoral reform and women’s political participation in the constitution the Women and Media Collective organised a workshop for women’s rights activists and groups from across the island on the 3rd and 4th of March 2016. This was following a series of meetings undertaken by the WMC … Continue reading A consultation on Gender and Electoral Reforms in the Constitution

The Quota for Women in Local Government: A pledge for parity and a parody in parliament?

Source: Groundviews By Chulani Kodikara The theme for International Women’s Day this year is “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step it up for Gender Equality”. A good day to reflect on the 25% mandatory quota for women in local government passed by parliament almost exactly one month ago amidst an uproar created by members of the … Continue reading The Quota for Women in Local Government: A pledge for parity and a parody in parliament?

Civil society: Propose questions for UN Secretary-General Candidates

The Women’s Major Group (WMG) submitted the call for a Feminist SG with 500+ signatures to Member States last week, highlighting qualifications we seek. They could be useful in formulating questions. As a reminder, they were: We therefore call for a woman Secretary-General who has a demonstrable commitment to: · Advancing a bold, comprehensive women’s … Continue reading Civil society: Propose questions for UN Secretary-General Candidates