Category: Activities Politics

DAWN – Regional Training Institute

The 2nd Regional Training Institute for young feminists from South and South East Asia was organized by Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), from the 16th – 22nd April 2009 in Manila, Philippines. Kumudini Samuel and Nilusha Hemasiri from WMC participated. Kumudini Samuel who was the DAWN South Asia coordinator participated as … Continue reading DAWN – Regional Training Institute

Inter-generational Meeting

An intergenerational meeting of older and younger activists/feminists was held at WMC on the 23rd of March 2009. The objective of the intergenerational discussion between younger and older women was to share experiences and discuss possible strategies for dealing with common concerns of conflict, violence and impunity. The discussion was informal, interactive with many of … Continue reading Inter-generational Meeting

Progress of CEDAW Shadow Report and Status of Women Report 2008 – 2009

A writers’ meeting was held on the 17th of October 2008 at WMC where all the CEDAW shadow report and SWR writers gathered to discuss the writing of the two reports. A focus group discussion was held on the 27th of February 2009 at WMC, with the participation of 09 rural women community leaders from … Continue reading Progress of CEDAW Shadow Report and Status of Women Report 2008 – 2009

Strengthening Governance and Increasing Women’s Representation in Local Government (Kurunegala, Monaragala, Badulla)

September – December 2008 
This period saw the summarized final reports of the project from each district being presented to the Provincial Commissioner and other officials. The reports consisted of the findings of the year long observations of selected Local Councils from Kurunegala, Monaragala and Badulla.
In November 2008 the observers devised a District based action … Continue reading Strengthening Governance and Increasing Women’s Representation in Local Government (Kurunegala, Monaragala, Badulla)