Category: Publications

Media Briefing on Increasing Women’s Participation at the 2010 Parliamentary Election

A media briefing was held on the 17th of February 2010 where all party representatives addressed the media on issues related to women’s representation at elections and in particular about increasing the number of women nominations for the upcoming parliamentary election. Some of the speakers at the event included Western Provincial Council MPs Ashoka Lankathilake … Continue reading Media Briefing on Increasing Women’s Participation at the 2010 Parliamentary Election

“Kadathurawen Eha” – Tamil radio clips

WMC produced 60 radio clips of two minutes called “Kadathurawen Eha” which primarily focused on women’s issues. The clips were aired on the Sinhala commercial service radio station, and received many positive responses from the listeners. Also, there were requests from the listeners to broadcast the clips in the Tamil language as well. As a … Continue reading “Kadathurawen Eha” – Tamil radio clips