Category: News

Women’s rights activists condemn Aluthgama violence

Women’s groups in Sri Lanka condemn the recent incidents of violence in Aluthgama and Beruwala that has caused insecurity and fear among women and children in the area. At a Press Conference organised by the Muslim Council of Sri Lanka on 16 June academics, religious leaders and rights activists said it was absolutely imperative that … Continue reading Women’s rights activists condemn Aluthgama violence

Community screening of short film: Don’t think of me as a woman

Don’t think of me as a woman: an election story for the margins was screened in Trincomalee and Batticaloa on the 26 and 27 of May. The screenings picked up positive feedback from the audience. While many congratulated Aynoon Beebi, the female candidate featured in the film, other women who contested in the same elections … Continue reading Community screening of short film: Don’t think of me as a woman

ACTFORM Kurunegala District Committee Meetings

With an aim of creating awareness on issues pertaining to migrant worker rights, Action Network for Migrant Workers (ACTFORM), Women and Media Collective, Women’s Resource Centre and the Kurunegala District Committee created a space for discussion with 15 members from human rights organisations, NGO’s, government representatives, women’s groups and migrant workers. This initiative is part … Continue reading ACTFORM Kurunegala District Committee Meetings

United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants meets members of ACTFORM and WMC

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, François Crépeau, visited Sri Lanka from 19 to 26 May 2014 to assess the human rights situation of Sri Lankans migrating abroad for work, and the related recruitment practices. During Mr. Crépeau’s eight-day mission to the country, he met with regional members of the … Continue reading United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants meets members of ACTFORM and WMC