“Feminist Economic Justice:During Crises: Perspectives from Asia” funded by the Women’s Fund Asia moderated by Dr Sepali Kottegoda

Dr. Sepali Kottegoda, Director Programs of the Gender & Political Economy domain at the Women and Media Collective, moderated “Feminist Economic Justice During Crises: Perspectives from Asia,” which was funded by the Women’s Fund Asia. This event marked a pivotal start to the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) 2024, #NGOCSW68, aiming to ignite discussions on feminist economic justice. Drawing from the extensive work of feminist activists from Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Philippines, and Sri Lanka, the panel offered diverse perspectives vital for informing financing strategies for gender equality in Asia. The audience experienced an engaging discourse that delved into the complexities of economic rights and gender justice, crucial for navigating crises and advancing equality in the region.