Category: Activities SLWNGOF

A New Sri Lanka for Women: establishing an Independent Women’s Commission

Petition The establishment of an Independent Women’s Commission was first proposed by women activists and advocates as far back as 1991. Since then a number of proposals have been made by successive governments to statutorily establish such a Commission. In 2003, the United National Front government, headed by the UNP, drafted a Women’s Rights Bill. … Continue reading A New Sri Lanka for Women: establishing an Independent Women’s Commission


The SLWNGOF was part of the lobby by women’s organizations to the Parliamentary Select Committee on Electoral Reform in 2003 in Sri Lanka, which called for special temporary measures to ensure women’s participation and representation in political and decision-making in Sri Lanka.

1996 – 2001 

SLWNGOF was actively involved in information dissemination, promoting and implementing the BPFA in Sri Lanka and in South Asia, in partnership with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP). It also consulted with the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) to assess the post Beijing Conference processes.


The SLWNGOF was nominated for an award for social advertising from the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM). The advertisement on which the nomination was received was on domestic violence, and was part of a broader SLWNGOF national media campaign.