Category: Care work

Drafting of women’s manifesto for presidential candidates of 2019

As Sri Lanka’s presidential elections of 2019 draws near, women’s organizations and civil society activists in the country came together to draft a women’s manifesto addressed to all presidential candidates. The women’s manifesto consists of women’s demands, as a call for candidates to take action on a number of topics as outlined in the draft … Continue reading Drafting of women’s manifesto for presidential candidates of 2019

Rural Women Activists Share Their Biggest Successes – and Battles Ahead

Source: At the Commission on the Status of Women in New York, we speak with activists from Sri Lanka, India and the Philippines about the progress they’ve made on economic advancement for women in their communities – and the challenges that lie ahead. Sepali Kottegoda is an academic, women’s rights activist and technical adviser … Continue reading Rural Women Activists Share Their Biggest Successes – and Battles Ahead

Keynote: Women in Leadership (IWD2018)

Recognising Women in Leadership in Sri Lanka. Keynote Speech at the Launch of the Australian Awards Women in Leadership Network, Sri Lanka. Sepali Kottegoda, M.Phil, D.Phil (Sussex) Director Programmes, Women’s Economic Rights and Media Women and Media Collective 8 March 2018 Colombo. Your Excellency, High Commissioner Bryce Hutchesson, friends and colleagues, ladies and gentlemen. First, … Continue reading Keynote: Women in Leadership (IWD2018)

Keynote: Importance of recognising unpaid care work.

Bringing Unpaid Care Work from the Private to Public Arena – Through the ‘Empowerment’ Looking Glass. Sepali Kottegoda D.Phil (Sussex) Women and Media Collective 2 March 2017 Introduction I would like to thank the Australian Human Rights Commission for inviting me to speak here today, as part of its events to mark International Women’s Day. … Continue reading Keynote: Importance of recognising unpaid care work.

Rights Talk: Gender equality, women’s work and care

As part of the Commission’s International Women’s Day celebrations, please join Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins for a special International Women’s Day RightsTalk on gender equality and women’s work and care on the 2nd March 2017. This IWD RightsTalk will explore the recognition of unpaid care and domestic work that remains the burden of women … Continue reading Rights Talk: Gender equality, women’s work and care