Category: Featured

Action for a people’s Constitution: public meeting and rally

In a steadfast move to ensure that the voices of civil society were heard in Sri Lanka’s Constitution making process a public meeting and rally was held in Colombo on the 20th of September 2016. It was initiated by a collective of around 100 organisations and individuals wanting to take public action. The meeting, under the banner … Continue reading Action for a people’s Constitution: public meeting and rally

Action for a Peoples’ Constitution

A new constitution is a historic opportunity for democratisation and sharing of power and sovereignty amongst all peoples of Sri Lanka for a just peace with political and economic equality. We are facing widening economic inequality and precariousness, sharpening regional imbalances, weakening of public health, education and social welfare, and loss of natural resources.This will … Continue reading Action for a Peoples’ Constitution

Ambassadorship presented to Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala by the Minister of Women’s Affairs

Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala the first Sri Lankan to summit Mount Everest was presented with the Ambassadorship for the protection of women’s rights and an end to violence against women by the Hon. Minister Chandrani Bandara from the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, today. The Ambassadorship to Jayanthi was granted for the next three years. It is with … Continue reading Ambassadorship presented to Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala by the Minister of Women’s Affairs

Winners of WMC short film competition 2015/2016

Short film winners 1st place S. Gnanamathangi for Mm 2nd Place S.R.G. Chathumi Vidushika for Prathivartha (The Image) 3rd Place Sivaraj for Ino Oru Yugam Seywom Special Jury Awards Kusum Jayaweera for Gehenun yata weda Short Film Script Winners 1st place – S.R.G. Chathumi Vidushika Script name: Prathivartha 2nd place – S. Gnanamathangi Script name: … Continue reading Winners of WMC short film competition 2015/2016

Options 2015: Issue 1

This is the fiftieth anniversary issue of the Options magazine which has been based on the theme Sexual Rights and Reproductive Health and Rights. You can read the Options magazine online or click here to download it in a PDF format. OPTIONS (50) 2016 by wmcsrilanka on Scribd

Selected Photographers: WMC Women’s Photography Exhibition 2016

The photographs for the WMC women’s photography exhibition 2016 have been selected by our panel of judges. The theme for this year is Women, Culture and Religion. There was a good response to our submission call and while we thank all those who sent in their submissions below are the names of photographers who will … Continue reading Selected Photographers: WMC Women’s Photography Exhibition 2016

Women’s contribution to the new constitution making process

The Women and Media Collective organised a round of discussion on the new constitution making process and to see the possibilities where women’s groups can intervene. The Discussions were conducted in Batticaloa , Kurunegala and Colombo with the participation of women activists, civil society organization members, women affiliated to political parties, Trade union women and … Continue reading Women’s contribution to the new constitution making process

Statement on stoning of migrant worker from the Prime Ministers Task Force on Violence Against Women

The task force on violence against women is shocked that a Sri Lankan migrant worker has been sentenced to death by stoning in Saudi Arabia for the crime of adultery. Adultery is not a crime in Sri Lanka. Besides, the Sri Lankan justice system does not recognize the punishment of stoning. Such a punishment is … Continue reading Statement on stoning of migrant worker from the Prime Ministers Task Force on Violence Against Women