Category: News

Necessary yet Insufficient: Women’s quota for wider political representation in Sri Lanka

The women’s quota, introduced in February 2018, has significantly increased women’s representation in local level democracy. It has paved the way for otherwise politically marginalized local level women political actors to enter into local councils. The findings of this study provide compelling insights into the background of the women politicians who contested the February 2018 … Continue reading Necessary yet Insufficient: Women’s quota for wider political representation in Sri Lanka

100 young women training – Galle / Matara

Capacity enhancing of 100 young women Local Councillors and members from political parties from the Districts of Galle and Matara. These women were trained in the field of governance, political advocacy and gender equality. The training was organised by WMC with the support of Rural Women’s Front and the Ruhuna Sisila Social Services Organisation from … Continue reading 100 young women training – Galle / Matara