The ToT is a three-day in-person gathering in Negombo, scheduled for 5-7 July 2023. The training sessions will be conducted in English
The purpose of the ToT is to bring together ten women’s rights advocates and activists to explore the role dominant macroeconomic narratives, policies and institutions play in the lives of women, with a focus on CEDAW as a tool for advancing feminist economic alternatives and strengthening accountability for the adverse impacts of existing economic policies and structures. Participants will form part of WMC’s CEDAW Shadow Report preparation team, working with women’s rights organisations from across the country to gather data and draft portions of a collective Shadow Report addressing the gendered impacts of Sri Lanka’s ongoing economic crisis.
The programme, based on IWRAW AP’s CEDAW Shadow Report Guideline on Gender Equality and Macroeconomics (GEM), will be a balance between substantive knowledge exchange between facilitators and participants, and skills building on feminist participatory training theory and practice.
This open call is for 4 ToT participants, with prior experience or knowledge of CEDAW or international human rights law preferable, All 4 ToT participants must be able to commit to:
- Working alongside WMC and IWRAW AP between July and December 2023 on a part-time basis;
- Attend and assist in the delivery of a CEDAW and GEM participatory workshop, hosted by IWRAW AP and WMC, in late August or early September, which will include women’s rights organisations focusing on the areas of health, employment, economic rights, and rural rights.
- Accompany and assist small, thematic groups made up of participants from the above workshop who will gather data relating to the above areas and draft portions of the collective shadow report, to be collated and finalised by WMC. The final shadow report sections are expected to be provided to WMC by mid-November with one day write-shops being held beforehand to facilitate the completion of each section
We hope you’ll join us in this exciting opportunity to work collectively with women across Sri Lanka towards the advancement of feminist economic justice. We would be grateful for your response by Sunday, 25 June 2023 by emailing your credentials to [email protected]
If you can commit to work on this programme – i.e. participate in the three day TOT, attend the five-day training with selected CSOs and help them frame information to fit one of the CEDAW Articles (Article 11 – Employment, Article 12 – Health, Article 13 – Economic and Social life, Article 14 – Rural Women) and finally, assist in drafting a 1000 word section on the selected Article for the Shadow Report, please let us know.
The above timeline assumes that Sri Lanka will be scheduled to be reviewed by the CEDAW Committee during their February 2024 session, with the deadline for Shadow Report submission being on or around 10 January 2024. Sri Lanka’s exact review date has not yet been confirmed. We anticipate that this information will be released by October or November 2023.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected]