Category: පුවත්

People’s Movement Against the Increased Electricity Bill

Women and Media Collective participated in the protest march organised by the People’s Movement Against the Increased Electricity Bill (PMAIEB) on the 15th of May 2013. Participants included several political parties, trade unions including Health Services Trade Unions Alliance, various civil society actors including women’s organizations and also the Federation of University Teachers’ Association (FUTA).

Radhika Coomaraswamy Receives Fondation Chirac Special Jury Prize 2012 In Paris

Originally from By Colombo Telegraph – On November 22nd, 2012, Radhika Coomaraswamy, former Under Secretary General of the United Nations/Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, was awarded the Special Jury Prize 2012 by the Fondation Chirac for her actions in favor of the protection of children during armed conflict in the presence of Bernadette Chirac, wife of the former French president Jacques … Continue reading Radhika Coomaraswamy Receives Fondation Chirac Special Jury Prize 2012 In Paris

DAWN: Ugandan Government Must Stop Trying to Pass Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Original post at “In the future, the laws that criminalise so many forms of human love and commitment will look the way apartheid laws do to us now – so obviously wrong.” (Archbishop Desmond Tutu, The Lancet, Volume 380, Issue 9839, 28 July 2012) Some Parliamentarians and religious groups in Uganda are once more attempting to push through … Continue reading DAWN: Ugandan Government Must Stop Trying to Pass Anti-Homosexuality Bill