Category: Publications

Women Condemn the Attack on Civilians at Kebithigollewa

The Sri Lankan Women for Peace and Democracy (SLWPD), of which the WMC is a member organisation, issued a Media Statement to all media institutions condemning the claymore attack allegedly by the LTTE on a passenger bus at Kebethigollewa on the 15th of June 2006. Although it was sent to all media institutions, it was actually … Continue reading Women Condemn the Attack on Civilians at Kebithigollewa

Media Strategies on Raising Awareness and Implementation of the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act

The WMC held a consultative meeting on 21st June 2006 to identify ‘Media Strategies on Awareness Raising and Implementation of the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act. Women from media institutions, women’s rights and human rights organizations participated.
The meeting was held in response to a request made by the National Committee on Women which has a … Continue reading Media Strategies on Raising Awareness and Implementation of the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act

Radio Spot Advertisements to commemorate 4th Year of CFA

Twelve 15 second Radio Spot Advertisements, in Sinhala, English and Tamil were aired on Sirasa FM, Yes FM, Y-FM and Shakthi FM on the 22nd of February, 2006. The following message was aired through this advertisement:
“The Ceasefire agreement is four years old.No more war!Let’s strengthen the ceasefirePeace – not warLife – not deathThis is the … Continue reading Radio Spot Advertisements to commemorate 4th Year of CFA